Body Satisfaction Scale Pdf In Vector


Esteem Scale with Body Image Scale (n = 100). The results showed significant inverse relationship between both measures, and ensured the discriminant validity of Body Image Scale (r =.19). Psychometric properties of the scale revealed that Body Image Scale is a reliable measure for assessing body image concerns in indigenous context.

People fill the body satisfaction questionnaires to reflect their opinion about their own bodies. Their replies help to understand their problems better and facilitate finding a solution for that.

Sample Body Satisfaction Questionnaire

Name of Participant: ____________________________________________

Address of Participant: __________________________________________


Contact number: _____________________ email address: _____________________

Date of birth: ________________________ today’s date: _____________________

Please answer the following questions.

1. Which one of these describes you the best?

a. Too thin

b. Thin

c. Normal weight

d. Slightly fat

e. Very fat

2. Does your family members or friends call you very thin?

a. Yes, always

b. Sometimes, they all have different opinions

c. No, not at all.

3. Are you often teased by people because you are fat?

a. Most of the times

b. Very rarely

c. Never

4. How happy are you with your present weight?

a. I am quite happy

Body satisfaction scale pdf in vector free

b. I am not quite sure

c. I am unhappy about my weight

5. What do you think you are?

a. Under weight

b. Optimum weight

c. Over weight

6. Babyzen usa. Have you ever done any of the following?

a. Tried to lose weight

b. Trying to lose weight now

c. Trying to gain weight

Body Satisfaction Scale Pdf In Vector

d. Tried to gain weight in the past

7. To lose weight, which of the following methods would you adopt?

a. Reduce the amount of food you consumed earlier

b. Exercise more

c. Skip some meals

d. Take medications to reduce weight

8. Which of the following methods are you likely to adopt to gain weight?

a. Eat more food

b. Exercise more

Body Satisfaction Scale Pdf In Vector Pdf

c. Consume medicinal supplements

Body Satisfaction Scale Pdf In Vector Template

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Category: Satisfaction Questionnaire