Dns Server Configuration In Linux 6 Step By Step Pdf Merge


Thus you can load the kernel. Using the command- line interface, you type the drive. Interface, you just select an OS using the arrow keys. Based on a configuration file which you prepare beforehand. While in the menu, you. Portal Home Knowledgebase General VPS DNS Server Installation Step by Step Using CentOS 6.5/6.4/6.3 DNS Server Installation Step by Step Using CentOS 6.5/6.4/6.3 DNS, Domain Name System, translates hostnames or URLs into IP addresses.


A DNS server, or name server,is used to resolve an IP address to a hostname or vice versa.
You can set up four different types of DNS servers:
  • A master DNS server for your domain(s), which stores authoritative records for your domain.
  • A slave DNS server, which relies on a master DNS server for data.
  • A caching-only DNS server, which stores recent requests like a proxy server. It otherwise refers to other DNS servers.
  • A forwarding-only DNS server, which refers all, requests to other DNS servers.


In this example we willconfigure a dns server and will test from client side.

For this example we are usingthree systems one linux server one linux clients and one window clients.

Step 1 - bind and caching-nameserver rpm is required to configure dns. Check them for install if not foundinstall them

Step 2 -set hostname to server.example.com and ip address to

Main configuration file for dns server is named.conf. By default this file is notcreated in /var/named/chroot/etc/ directory.Instead of named.conf a sample file /var/named/chroot/etc/named.caching-nameserver.confis created. This file is use to make a caching only name server.You can also do editing in this file after changing its name to named.conf to configure master dnsserver or you can manually create a new named.conf file.

In our example we arecreating a new named.conf file

Or do editing exactlyas shown here in image

save this file with :wq and exit

Configure zone file

We have defined two zone files example.com.zone for forward zone and 0.168.192.in-addr.arpa for reverse zone. These files will be store in /var/named/chroot/var/named/location. We will use two sample files for creating these files.

By default this filewill look like this
Change this fileexactly as shown in image below
Now open reverse lookupzone file 0.168.192.in-addr.arpa
By default it will look like this

Now changed the ownershipof these zone files to named group

Step by Step how to setup a DNS Server in RHEL 6.2/6.4/6.5 Using Bind

What is DNS Server ?

DNS = Domain Naming Service (or) Domain Name SystemDNS will resolve the host name for the particular IP address.

6 Step Stool

Here Im Using RHEL Server to Setup the DNS Server using BIND

Primary DNS Server (or) Master DNS Server:

Secondary DNS Server (or) Slave DNS Server:

Nodes Machines :

  1. Primary DNS Server (or) Master DNS Server :
Dns Server Configuration In Linux 6 Step By Step Pdf Merge
  1. Then Edit the Configuration of name server

Save and Exit the named.conf using wq!

  1. Creat the Forward and Reserve Zone files as mentioned in named.conf


a.) Create a Forward Zone file under /var/named in the name of forward.linuxzadmin

There are Sample files under the /var/named/ Directory, Just make a Copy of that file and modify it as our need

b.) Make a Copy of sample file as below

c.) Edit the file forward.linuxzadmin


a.) Create a Reserver Zone file under /var/named in the name of reverse.linuxzadmin

There are Sample files under the /var/named/ Directory, Just make a Copy of that file and modify it as our need

b.) Make a Copy of sample file as below

Dns Server Configuration In Linux 6 Step By Step Pdf Merge

c.) Edit the file reverse.linuxzadmin

  1. The files we created was in root groupWe need to change those files to named group

Here we can see the files which have the root group

a.) List the files and see the permissions and group of those created zone files

b.) Change the group to named using below Command

Here we can see the Output now which changed to named group

c.) Then we need to check the Context of the files under

It want to be in the context of named_conf_t

If its Different than this then we need to restore the context using

  1. Now we need to Check for the Error in the conf file and Zone file
  1. Start the DNS Service
  1. Make the named Service in runlevels
  1. Deploy iptables Rules to allow DNS service

Add the iptables rules

Save the iptables Using

Restart the iptables Service Using

Make it to run in multi run levels

  1. Check the DNS server using Dig Command
  1. Check for the Available Hosts in DNS

Now we Need to Setup the Slave DNS server

Secondary DNS server (or) Slave DNS Server

  1. Host Deployed with RHEL Server
  1. Insatall the BIND package in Server
  1. Edit the named.conf to add the configuration
  1. Start the named Service and make it to Run in Multi Runlevels
  1. We Don't need to Create the Zone file here, If will be resolved from Master Server While we Start the Named Service
  1. Here we can Check the Both File's

This is the Out put of linuxzadmin.rev

  1. Check the DNS Server using dig from Slave Server

Client Side :

  1. Now we Need to Assign the Name Server for the Node's in our network to get assigned a host name from DNS server.

Use the Setup Command and assign the Primary and Secondary DNS server'sWe Don't need to Assing the hostname

a.) Just Assign the IP, Subnet, Gateway, PDNS, SDNS

b.) Restart the Network and Check the hostname

c.) Here i have not changed the hostname

d.) Here we can see the hostname Assigned from the DNS server

e.) If we need to check the DNS just do a Dig

  1. If we need to flush the DNS Server Caches Use Below Command

That's it we have a DNS server now in RHEL Server