Fluid Flow And Heat Transfer In Wellbores Pdf Creator


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Heat Transfer Designs

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As the pollution and emissions from today’s industry continue to have negative environmental impacts, renewable and clean energy sources become more and more attractive. Utilizing renewable energy sources provides a clean alternative to the environmental damaging energy sources and helps to mitigate the climate changes. Due to its unlimited supply, energy production from geothermal resources has become a potential contender. Electricity production from geothermal sources has grown substantially for the past 20–25 years with an increase of the installed generating capacity from (1300 mathrm{MW}) in 1975 to (10715 mathrm{MW}) in 2010 (Bu et al. 2012).

A R Hasan

Geothermal energy is considered one of the most promising and reliable energy resources. It is barely affected by weather and available for operation (98%) of the time (Templeton 2013), which provides a reliable and steady output. Future growth is expected that geothermal energy could meet more than (3%) of global electricity demand by 2050 (Geothermal 2018). Geothermal energy has various applications in the modern society. High-temperature geothermal resources (above (150,{^circ }{mathrm{C}})) are usually used to produce electricity (Barbier 2002). Low-temperature resources (below (150,{^circ }{mathrm{C}})) are used for direct space heating, dehydration of food, drying of timber, etc. Mock et al. (1997). The most typical applications of geothermal energy worldwide are listed in Lund and Boyd (2015).

A major part of the geothermal energy production today exploits energy from high-temperature resources, which are often reached by penetrating aquifers at 1000–2000 m below the surface to extract heat for geothermal power plants (Davis and Michaelides 2009). As most of the high-temperature resources have already been exploited, a further expansion of production has to come from lower temperatures resources. One of the main challenges of geothermal sources’ exploration is the expensive investment costs of geothermal wells. Abandoned petroleum wells located in areas with steep geothermal gradients may be a good and cheap alternative for geothermal energy production from relatively low-temperature resources. In the next section, we provide a detailed review of scientific research work of utilization of abandoned wells for geothermal energy extraction, estimation of potential for heat production and parametric study.