Bosch Fla 206 Software Programs
The best bowling league secretary software, supporting both scores and financials.
- Bosch Fla 206 Software Programs For Mac
- Bosch Fla 206 Software Programs For Windows 10
- Bosch Fla 206 Software Programs For Windows 7
- CNET provides free downloads for Windows, Mac, iOS and Android computers and mobile devices. Every category of desktop software and mobile apps, including security, utilities, games.
- Programs (standard) MSR-Setup MSR-Reader MSR-Online MSR-Viewer NEW: For the recordings taken with the MSR165 data logger in shock mode, the MSR ShockViewer analysis software is at your disposal to analyse impact load. The MSR ShockViewer for the MSR165 is supplied together with the MSR PC software. For the MSR175 data logger, there is a separate software package.
. “Generically” means, that the Bosch encoders can be added firmware independently Bosch VMS is able to retrieve the device capabilities after device is being added.
Bosch Fla 206 Software Programs For Mac
BLS-2020 Standard for the 2019/2020 Season. Great for basic leagues and secretaries new to managing bowling leagues. Preorder Now! If you have not upgraded to BLS-2019 yet, order BLS-2019 between June 1st, 2019 and August 31st, 2019 and receive BLS-2020 for free and be able to prep your leagues for the fall.
BLS-2020 Professional for the 2019/2020 Season. Great for more advanced leagues. Preorder Now! If you have not upgraded to BLS-2019 yet, order BLS-2019 between June 1st, 2019 and August 31st, 2019 and receive BLS-2020 for free and be able to prep your leagues for the fall.
Bosch Fla 206 Software Programs For Windows 10
BLS-2020 AutoScoring for the 2019/2020 Season. Special edition specifically for bowling centers to interface with electronic automatic scoring systems. Preorder Now! If you have not upgraded to BLS-2019 yet, order BLS-2019 between June 1st, 2019 and August 31st, 2019 and receive BLS-2020 for free and be able to prep your leagues for the fall.
- Unlimited Leagues
- Scratch or Handicap Leagues
- Individual Match Points
- Team Points
- Bowler and Team Divisions
- Uploads to
- Print Recap Sheets
- Print Standing Sheets
- Integrated Financial Module
- Prize Fund Management
- Cloud hosted league backups
- Random Lane Assignments
- Bracket Sidepots Module
- Master Bowler Database Module
- Export reports to PDF
- Preview Recap Sheets
- Exports Rosters to the Automatic Scoring System to be floored at the lanes.
- Imports Scores from the Automatic Scoring System, eliminating manual entry of scores.
- Unlimited Leagues
- Scratch or Handicap Leagues
- Individual Match Points
- Team Points
- Bowler and Team Divisions
- Uploads to
- Print Recap Sheets
- Print Standing Sheets
- Integrated Financial Module
- Prize Fund Management
- Cloud hosted league backups
- Random Lane Assignments
- Bracket Sidepots Module
- Master Bowler Database Module
- Export reports to PDF
- Preview Recap Sheets
- Exports Rosters to the Automatic Scoring System to be floored at the lanes.
- Imports Scores from the Automatic Scoring System, eliminating manual entry of scores.
Bosch Fla 206 Software Programs For Windows 7
- Unlimited Leagues
- Scratch or Handicap Leagues
- Individual Match Points
- Team Points
- Bowler and Team Divisions
- Uploads to
- Print Recap Sheets
- Print Standing Sheets
- Integrated Financial Module
- Prize Fund Management
- Cloud hosted league backups
- Random Lane Assignments
- Bracket Sidepots Module
- Master Bowler Database Module
- Export reports to PDF
- Preview Recap Sheets
- Exports Rosters to the Automatic Scoring System to be floored at the lanes.
- Imports Scores from the Automatic Scoring System, eliminating manual entry of scores.